This hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i’m anxious to share it here with everybody. It’s a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere… Little did he know that this young voluptuous lady was a ladyboy.
Thanks for this story Leeya. As a reminder to all others, if you have a story suitable for this section, by all means post it either here as a comment or at our forum, and i will publish it for thousands of other readers to enjoy.
Disclaimer: all the characters and events are made up, similarities are coincidentail. No intent to offend anyone.
You were still eyeing your new Swiss wrist watch which you just purchased from one of the duty-free shops at your local airport. You glanced outside of the window, where the blanket of clouds was covering beautiful lands. Staring at the clouds, thoughts about upcoming presentation and potential questions that could arise were targeting your mind. It’s been only 6 hours after you saw your wife and you were already missing her. Her beautiful eyes, body: Oh how your heart was always up beating when she was smiling at you.
A slim stewardess interrupted the thought process with a question of what would you prefer today, chicken or beef. Slowly chewing pieces of chicken, you could not help but thinking how important securing a major contract with investors from Asia was essential for your company’s future, but you are a professional, you knew you would do the job. Success- and you are the new CEO, failure- well, you’ll be stuck with your job for few more years.
Upon arrival to the airport, getting the luggage and catching a cab to 5star hotel, your head was pumping with all the thoughts and a terrible headache. The moment you put your head on the pillow it was all gone away, and your mind went into its own world of dreams.
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