I remember watching pictures of one panty protest in which a group of women were in their panties with slurs on the front for the President. I believe it was almost a year before I started my Trans Ladyboy blog.
It was sort of humorous, slogans such as “finger Bush”, “weapons of mass seduction” and “Bush sucks” were running around everywhere. Many girls had a military cap on and were sporting signs with similar slogans and gestures. The most interesting (to me!) photo and shot of the entire demonstration was a young lady that was absolutely breath takingly beautiful. There she stood with her panties and a half shirt, holding a sign and sporting a military cap.
As she pranced around she didn’t seem to notice that she was built a bit different from the rest of the young ladies. As my eyes glanced up and down it finally came to light, she had a bulge. I mean yes, she was a tranny hiding a penis in her panties! At first you think you have made a mistake and do a double take. Nope, still there! She was not embarrassed or refused to protest for what she believed because she was different from the rest.
Hooray for her!