The young German Pop singer – Kim Petras is now a girl of sixteen, she is the well known figure now for having taken hormone replacement therapy at the early age of twelve only. Having under gone Gender reassignment Surgery in November she is now one of the youngest and one of the most confident and determined transgender.
Head of the Psychiatric Special Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents with Identity Disorder, Dr Bernd Meyenburg states ‘Very few youth psychiatrists have any experience with transsexual developments. The families wander from one psychiatrist to the next. I was always against such operations on children so young but after seeing how happy one of my patients was and how well adjusted after returning from having the operation abroad while still a teenager – I realized that in some cases it is the right decision’. This has been his remarks on Kim Petras, the boy who felt that he was in a wrong body since the age of two, now transformed to a young girl and popular pop singer.
‘I know that because of my past people will always bring up the subject, I can’t get away from it. But I hope that one day I might be better known for something else like my music.’ says Kim.

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