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This was one of the weirdest news about transsexual women that I read lately. It all took place in West Palm Beach. A 17-year-old high school student met an attractive 39-year-old who he thought to be a woman in capri pants and a silky spaghetti-strap top. He didn’t know she was a pre-op transsexual. She didn’t know he was 17…

She got into his car where, according to her, the teen came onto her aggressively, kissing her, touching her breasts and putting her face in his lap. She rejected his sexual advances and told him that she was a transsexual, after that he became upset and started beating her.

The teen gives a different version of the story. He says that she performed oral sex on him in the back seat while his friend drove, then got on top on him. This is when he realized that she had breast implants and a penis. A witness saw what happened next: The teen shouted for help, dragged her through the sand, beat her head against the lifeguard stand and punched out her front teeth. Now he goes on trial, facing a first-degree felony hate crime charge.

Go here to read the full story: Trial to break ground on hate crime

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Reading negative reviews that some guys leave for tgirls modeling on webcams, I can’t help but notice regular patterns of these comments, such as “Was too slow” or “Refused to strip when i asked“. At the same time, what most of the tgirls write on their profiles is that they are turned off by rude, impolite guys who want it all too fast (they even invented the special name for them, “Mr. 2 minutes“). So, maybe they are guys who are to blame?

Today I have found an article at the blog of my friend which basically summarizes it all (i suggest reading it too, it raises many valid points: how to get tgirls to strip on webcams). Some guys think the tgirls that model on webcams are hookers, that should strip and show their dicks as soon as they show them money. Unfortunately for these guys it doesn’t work this way. You are going to need some patience. Would You ever suggest a girl to fuck in the first 2 minutes on your first date? Even if you would, how do you think she would react? Most likely she would be really turned off and the date would be ruined. So how are shemales different? They are girls too, and they, too, want some respect. Give it to them and the rewards will follow.

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In its 2 years of operation, our blog has become something more than just a place to look for free shemale porn. As a community of shemale lovers, which i believe Trans Ladyboy has become, we needed our own forum badly. And now we have it, would you believe it or not 😉 Let us make it a nice friendly place. The URL is easy to remember: Check it out!

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This is a really interesting story about a m2f transgender police officer in Kansas City.

Jessica, a Kansas City police officer, is 6 feet tall with a chin dimple, pink manicured fingernails and a birth certificate that says “male.” She legally changed her name from David to Jessica last year and started hormone therapy, but she hasn’t had a SRS. And in January, she gained the right to dress as a woman at work.

Read the full post…

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I am very thankful to our reader TrannyLover sho shared his opinion about having a transsexual girlfriend, which really got me thinking. Many guys say they are looking for a transsexual girlfriend desperately, but in fact all they want is to get in her pants. Perhaps this is why they do not succeed at it. Read Tranny Lover’s thoughts about it.

If you want to meet a transgender girl just keep looking! They are looking for love like everybody else and if you need a club to go to, go to Peanuts in LA. Many will be working but if you’ve got game and are serious about finding a girl to love, they are there. I’ve gotten laid every time I’ve been there: never paid! Because they can tell I’m not a “trannychaser”. I’m serious and find them attractive and they can see that my heart is true.

They also happen to be in malls and movie theaters and restaraunts! They are girls who do things anyone does, so just approach them like anyone else would approach anyone in the world they are interested in.

There aren’t many like me: you may think you are, but will you take them to your family reunion? meet the family? meet the friends? That is an actual question to ask yourself: If the answer is no, then you aren’t ready for a transsexual girlfriend: and don’t pretend like you are and start breaking hearts that have been already broken over and over again! (You fuck it up for me! T-girls are very apprehensive of men’s intentions, and that’s the reason!)

Also with t-girls… water really does seek its own level (more so than I genetic girls). Don’t expect to get a gorgeous tranny if your not gorgeous yourself, and by that I mean read above again. Be real… be ready… be sure… be sexy… and most of all always treat them like the wonderful women they are!

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Miriam, the Mexican transsexual modelI didn’t know before there was a TV realy show with a transsexual girl. The one that was aired in Great Britain in 2004, “There’s something about Miriam”, featured six men wooing 21 y.o. Mexican shemale model Miriam at a luxury villa in Ibiza. To add a twist to it, the contestants were not aware that she was a transwoman until the final episode and only discovered truth after Miriam picked the winner, then lifted her skirt to reveal a full set of wedding tackle.

:) LOL :)

Some of the guys were filmed in intimate situations with Miriam, snogging, cuddling and groping her, so it was a big embarrasement for them to be, as they say, “publicly humiliated” before such wide audience. Even though the contestants were warned that there would be shocks, when they found out that the object of their desires was a tranny, they started threatening to take legal action, one of them even punched the show producer. Nevertheless the show was screened anyway, after each of the participants got paid £125,000 in compensation.

It got a huge coverage by mass media, and there’s even an article about this show in Wikipedia. Now imagine, would you love to spend some quality time with a shemale as beautiful as Miriam, then get paid a pretty penny for it? I know for sure most of our readers would. And, even though the contestants will deny they liked it, we all know they did!

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The poll that I made in November 2006 was given more than a warm reception from my readers. The question was whether you would suck your own dick and more than 92% of 3204 people that have voted to this moment said they do or would love to go down on themselves. And not only that, many people say they would love to swallow their own loads. Here’s a story that a guy named Billy Boy wrote:

I love the taste of my own cum. I especially like to eat it when I go 4-5 days without coming, though that is VERY difficult to do. When I do go days without jerking off or fucking my girlfreind, it is especially thick and gooey. This is when it tastes best and this is when I also like the consistency. It feels so cool when it’s so thick. When it is this thick, I like to swirl it around my mouth and squeeze it between my teeth; all the time watching myself do this in a mirror.

I’ll savor the taste and feeling. I then like to let it slowly run down my tongue and down my throat. I used to only have the guts to taste my pre-cum, but lately I have been swallowing my own loads more often and can’t seem to get enough. I have been told by many partners (all female) that my cum taste great. I had to try it. Now I’m a cum slut(my own). I then graduated to kissing my girlfriend after she sucked me off.

Sometimes I also eat my cum out of her pussy when she is really wasted and doesn’t really know that I came (even if it is just a lil oozing out and not a gigantic load.) This way I can eat it while having sex with her. But with her or without her, I have to have it. I’ve got to eat a mouthful of my own cum at least every couple of days. I love it and can’t get enough.

This made me wonder how many of you guys love the taste of cum too. So, please take your time to answer this short silly poll.


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Looks like that it is since early 2006 that the authorities of Brazilian city Nova Igausu have introduced special bathrooms for transsexual people. Besides ordinary “M” and “F” bathrooms, an extra one with the letter “T” has appeared.

Since Brazil is literally the realm of transsexual people, they decided to put an end to injustice, as the city hall representative stated. “There are up to 28,000 transsexual people living in the city with the 800,000-strong population. Local authorities have passed the law that requires the owners of cafes, stores and other public places to provide transsexuals with separate bathrooms.”

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It always aroused my interest whether the guys behind the camera in shemale porn actually get to have sex with the models. Of course, they must be into shemales (otherwise noone would watch the porn they shoot), but, being a business people, they will barely admit it… I, for one, know of one producer who said he vomited when a shemale supposed to shoot her load on a camera actually ejaculated on his face.

So, what do You think?

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That’s some scary news. When I checked the age of my site in days, it was exactly 666 days old! When i googled this number i have found some interesting info about it. Besides the infamous Number of the Beast, this number has several other remarkable characteristics. Like, it’s the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3… +36=666), also it is the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers (i.e. 22 + 32 + 52 + 72 + 112 + 132 + 172 = 666).

There’s a whole Wiki page about this number. Read it just for fun, it contains a lot of interesting facts. Btw, if this number scares the shit out of you, you might want to know that the fear of the number 666 is called hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. And for the Chinese it is believed to be one of the luckiest numbers since it sounds a lot like the words “Things going smoothly” 😉

Have a good luck!

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