The last three days were a complete waste for me. It’s all for this computer game, Wallace and Gromit: Project Zoo, yes, mates, I got hooked! Mind you, I could not even think of doing anything else than finishing that frigging game. And the very first thing that I did when i won, was checking out fresh shemale hosts on live webcams.
And this petite Asian beauty that I found was a fantasy come true. Not only did I enjoy her company on webcam, I couldn’t wait to join her fan club. This lovely he-chick has a very generous sized cock that gets hard beyond hard. I had to stop too not cum all over me and the damn computer. What I would give to have a taste of her manhood. What is so damn ironic about this trannie is that she looks like a feminine girl that has an unbelievable pretty face. If I would have seen her on the street (would have been hard there too) I would have never believed that she had a dick.
Her body is beyond hot, she is perfectly shaped, not an ounce of fat. Rock hard body and a beautiful brown color. Her black hair is so shiny and I could only imagine myself running my fingers through her hair as she sucked my cock like she was hers. I know her taste is sweet, just like her face. Her tits are not that big, but that is ok, a mouth full is all I really need. She is great in front of the camera, innocent and inexperienced just like I like them. She knows how to handle her cock and show it all off in front of you.
At one point she turned her sweet little tight ass to the camera and spread her cheeks, oh what a beautiful ass. The only thing I could think though is her asshole is in dire need of a rock hard pumping cock (such as mine)! I want to fuck her, really bad. She invites me to please her and moans in ecstasy. She is just falling all over herself to please..

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