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[07:49] LadyboyLover130: well its my bedtime... chat another time TIm
[07:49] Tim: Ok
[07:49] Tim: Nice to say hi
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It’s on CNN right now that a plane has crashed while landing at the airport in Phuket, Thailand.

CNN News

Although it’s a very sad news, it was a bit of relief to know that ladyboys halped to save at least one life in this plane crash. Here’s a post that i have found at one of the forums:

hey all thai peeps, very sad news as a plane handled by the Thai 1-2-Go budget airline has crashed trying to land at Phuket airport, i was at the BKK airport waiting to get on the next 1-2-Go when it went down… the only reason i wasn’t on that particular flight is that i was up till 8am banging two katoeys and wasn’t able to get on the earlier flight because i overslept.

very awful, dozens dead and injured from flight… i’m feeling pretty introspective at the moment, downing a singha and considering going out for some more katoey ass tonight, what the hell, lucky to be alive.

katoeys save lives, go figure..

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A member named Kelly posted this story at out forum, and i must admit that reading it was a big turn on! Thanks for taking your time to set it out in writing Kelly, and kudos to you 😉

I was working in Bangkok a couple of years ago. As was the normal practice all the guys would finish work on a Friday afternoon and head to the local bar for a couple of beers..

This particular Friday we were in the usual place chatting and having a nice relaxing time……when she walked in….taller than most Thai girls….but stunningly beautiful….long jet black silky hair.. halfway down her back, big eyes..small mouth..full lips….wow what a beauty…. I was watching her walking in ..when she looked over at me..and smiled.

I thought .”Kelly…don’t let this one escape”……so I followed her to the bar…and asked her if I could buy her a drink…
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Here’s another great story that was submitted by one of our readers. Enjoy reading.

I used to be a bouncer at a night club and one day after my shift a very foxy black busty babe approached me just outside the club. She was wearing hot pink track pants and itty bitty tube top that was some how holding the overflow of dreamy flesh in. She asked if I could give her a ride home. Seeing how beautiful she was I couldn’t refuse. She thanked me and we walked together to my car.
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This little nice story was posted by one of our readers that goes by nick “Slave”. Enjoy reading!

I have a story much like the french maid one. I used to clean houses for a living, it wasn’t good pay but it was work and i worked for a lady that goes by the name of amber dena. So anyway one day i was cleaning going over everything twice and when i got the bed room i found her naked jerking off I was stunned she looked up and was shocked then she licked her lips and said come here
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This fantastic story was published 1 week ago at our forum, and, what makes it even more interesting, it is a true life story. I believe You’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did.

I started becoming interested in transsexuals a couple years ago, when I ran across some websites where I found some crossdressers attractive. I was 19 at the time. This led me to picking up Transformation magazine, a magazine more for the TG community, but they featured some really got centerfolds with trannies as well. I thought the girls looked incredibly sexy, but I was not turned on by their cocks. I would masturbate to their pictures where they were wearing panties only, or something amongst those lines.

Then one day I was masturbating on my computer, when I came across a TS website, and the Tgirl had a huge hard on. This really turned me on, and when I saw that stiff cock, I pretty much changed my sexual orientation that moment! I fantasized for transsexuals often for months, and eventually felt the need to experiment. I would get so anxious looking at the TS porn, that I had to do something. Real girls turned me on, and still do, but TS drove me wild. I always loved the female form, but usually fantasized about a girl in her panties, as I was not attracted to pussy on a visual level. But now I found this female form, with a hard cock, and it all came together.
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Asian ladyboy sucking cock on webcamLike the name of this hot Asian webcam model (SuckMyCock4U) suggests, this is what you going to get when you open her page. Unfortunately the quality of photos in her gallery is not perfect, but you’ll be amazed at the pictures of her cock. It’s so large, smooth and good looking, it just begs to be sucked. And this is actually what she will do.

This girl likes the camera and chatting, she is very friendly and certainly not shy! It amazed me that she could actually bend down and suck her own cock in a seated position. This dark haired Asian bombshell really lives up to her Trannie lifestyle. I like the fact that she is not shy or embarrassed about her monstrous cock. That is a huge turn on for me. Don’t be afraid to show it and what you can do with it. She likes to chat and really likes to perform after I would request something. She is really hot and i must say I had a great time and learned a trick or two watching her going down on herself.

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This wonderful story was published at our forum, and, honestly, it was the first sex story involving post-op tgirls that I read, and I can’t hide the fact that, although the girl had no hard one, it was still very exciting! Thanks for publishing it man!

I was on vacation in Japan, and I went out to experience the nightlife often. I was with my little brother, so being with him all the time, I had no intention of going to TS bars. So we were at a straight bar, and he drank a bit too much and couldn’t continue drinking, so I sent him on a train home. I was having great conversations with some people I met there, so I decided to get my mind off sex and stay at the bar.

Luckily, the trannies came to me this time! 3 Filipino girls came to the bar, and I knew something was up right away. I know a lot of Filipino TS get jobs in Japan working as entertainers. I actually know a couple Filipino TS in the USA, who told me they lived and worked in Tokyo for years. I also know that they pass really well, and love to go to straight bars and hook up. These girls were pretty, and many straight men, who had no idea, were very interested in them.
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This was one of the weirdest news about transsexual women that I read lately. It all took place in West Palm Beach. A 17-year-old high school student met an attractive 39-year-old who he thought to be a woman in capri pants and a silky spaghetti-strap top. He didn’t know she was a pre-op transsexual. She didn’t know he was 17…

She got into his car where, according to her, the teen came onto her aggressively, kissing her, touching her breasts and putting her face in his lap. She rejected his sexual advances and told him that she was a transsexual, after that he became upset and started beating her.

The teen gives a different version of the story. He says that she performed oral sex on him in the back seat while his friend drove, then got on top on him. This is when he realized that she had breast implants and a penis. A witness saw what happened next: The teen shouted for help, dragged her through the sand, beat her head against the lifeguard stand and punched out her front teeth. Now he goes on trial, facing a first-degree felony hate crime charge.

Go here to read the full story: Trial to break ground on hate crime

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Miriam, the Mexican transsexual modelI didn’t know before there was a TV realy show with a transsexual girl. The one that was aired in Great Britain in 2004, “There’s something about Miriam”, featured six men wooing 21 y.o. Mexican shemale model Miriam at a luxury villa in Ibiza. To add a twist to it, the contestants were not aware that she was a transwoman until the final episode and only discovered truth after Miriam picked the winner, then lifted her skirt to reveal a full set of wedding tackle.

:) LOL :)

Some of the guys were filmed in intimate situations with Miriam, snogging, cuddling and groping her, so it was a big embarrasement for them to be, as they say, “publicly humiliated” before such wide audience. Even though the contestants were warned that there would be shocks, when they found out that the object of their desires was a tranny, they started threatening to take legal action, one of them even punched the show producer. Nevertheless the show was screened anyway, after each of the participants got paid £125,000 in compensation.

It got a huge coverage by mass media, and there’s even an article about this show in Wikipedia. Now imagine, would you love to spend some quality time with a shemale as beautiful as Miriam, then get paid a pretty penny for it? I know for sure most of our readers would. And, even though the contestants will deny they liked it, we all know they did!

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shemale agrees to have sex for cashWho the hell Felipe is? What is the reality site he runs? Does he pay shemales to fuck his friends? OK, just show me some dirty shemales fucking for money!

Well, i must tell you that Shemales For Cash is something you gotta see. You will love this concept of reality sites. Just keep on reading my review.

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