Our forum TS star Fran seems to be able to crank out admirable shemale stories in record time! I welcome you to take delight in another story written by her, it’s a real jewel 😉
It is one of those lazy days, clear skies, warm, but I have things to do. I should take my car in for service. (could use a little service myself ) I put on a mini skirt; loose fitting blouse and step into my open toed high heels. Hey, I’m dressed for the day!
Head on down to the car shop. They can check my car but it will be a while. I didn’t want to wait so they gave me a loaner, an old Pontiac Firebird. Well, it will do. It’s bright red and it is a convertible. So off I go, top down (on the car silly!) hair blowing in the breeze. Downtown I spot ila, pull over to the curb and blast the horn.