Story written by ila.
I maneuvered my car through the heavy traffic of west London. I was on my way to see Keliana, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world. Work had kept Keliana and I away from each other for the last two weeks. Longing to see my darling lent urgency to my trip. Keliana and I had planned to have a late dinner and well we would see where the night would lead us.
I screeched to a halt in front of Keliana’s apartment block. I jumped out of my car and bounded up the stairs. Keliana’s apartment is on the fifth floor, but I wasn’t going to wait for the elevator when it was quicker to take the stairs.
I stopped outside Keliana’s door to catch my breath and have enough time to compose myself. I rang the doorbell and from deep inside the apartment I could hear Keliana’s sweet “hiya darling. Come right in.” My heart fairly leapt at the sound of her voice. I turned the door knob and entered. I removed my suit jacket and hung it on the hook beside the door and then kicked my slipped my shoes off and pushed them to the side.