A number of different types of condoms are now available for choosing and ordering online, they’re usually made of latex or polyurethane (although more exotic ones, such as made of lambskin can be found too). Here are some tips to help you choose and order the right condom online and get the most comfort and security out of it.
With dozens of sizes, styles, shapes and features to choose from in online shops, the right condom for each person and situation does exist. Try different styles and find what suits you and your partner the best. Generally, you should go for a latex condom, as they are slightly more reliable, and most readily available in online shops. Latex condoms can only be used with water-based lube. A small number of people have an allergic reaction to latex and can use polyurethane condoms instead.
Polyurethane condoms are made out a type of plastic, and they are also available for ordering online. When choosing a condom, bear in mind that polyurethane condoms have many advantages over latex:
- They are soft and about half as thin as most latex condoms (boy, these condoms are almost invisible!)
- They are hypoallergenic (great for anyone allergic to latex)
- They have no taste or smell
- They are non-porous, and thus non-permeable to all viruses, including HIV
- They warm to body temperature
- Can be used use with oil based lubes (such as Vaseline)
You may want to choose condoms with ribs or raised micro studs around the base, which helps to increase both his and her pleasure and add intensity to your experience. There are also glow-in-the-dark condoms available for ordering online! They are made of non-toxic material and will glow after a few minutes exposure to ordinary light (be sure to do this before you roll down the condom).
The lubrication on condoms also varies. Some condoms come without one at all, some come with silicone substance, and some condoms have a water-based one. The lubrication on condoms aims to make the condom easier to put on and more comfortable to use.
And lastly here are some tips for You to get the most of your condom:
- Be aware that lambskin condoms, or natural condoms are not effective in the prevention of disease.
- Do not use oil based lubes such as Vaseline or cold cream with latex condoms, as they break down the latex
- Store your condoms in a cool, dark place.
- As a rule, condoms are usable up to four years after the date of manufacture. If you are unsure how old the condom is, throw it away and order a new one online.
- Try to store condoms within reach of the bed. Nothing is more frustrating than interrupting foreplay and having to get the condom from another corner of the room.