Across history there has always been the fight by a group for freedom and the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Today is not different, granted we are not fighting for the rights of slaves or blacks, but there is a huge political fight regarding individuals who change their gender.
This group of individuals is allowed to undergo surgery to make their outer appearance match their inside appearance, but they are not allowed to change their birth certificate. Some individuals claim that they have discriminated against in the work field because they list that the are of one gender and then when the company asks for their birth certificate, it reveals the fact that they were not born into that gender. It has been reported that some companies will actually tell the potential employee that they are not truly considering hiring them, but only looking at them to avoid discrimination.
Is that not stupid. They are openly admitting to discriminating but because they interviewed the person, they are complying with the law. Hog wash! It is blatant discrimination and they should be punished. No one should be forced to live in a body that they are not comfortable with. How about telling the executive that they will be changing their gender and losing their job, bet that wouldn’t go over so well!
One woman lost the custody of her child in Britain after divorcing her husband and undergoing surgery to become a male. The woman not only lost her job but also the visitation rights of her children. The judge reportedly told the woman that her company was not in the best interest of the children. What? That is crazy those children have been around her all their life. Because now she has a penis she is unfit? It just doesn’t make any sense. The woman reportedly always knew that she belonged in a male’s body but was waiting for the right opportunity. The woman lost her job at an airline company and has not been able to work as a pilot since. This is ridiculous; he is no different than he was before. Now he has a penis and his abilities have not changed one bit.
This is simply the case of closed-minded individuals who are expressing their ignorance on companies across the world. Knowledge is everything and these employers should brush up on “acceptance 101″. Not everyone is the same and they should not be persecuted because of it!

i thik that wen u get a sex change it shud change all your documents so it sayes your curent sex not the 1 u r born with if u wish 2 change thay shud let u change your apearens and documents so u may live your life as your chosen sex!!!!