Is the police officer that changed his gender, gone bad? No, it seems that her superiors have gone mad. After a sex change operation the once male Alex is now a woman. After under going the transformation surgery to become a female the officer was terminated from duty. After losing her job and not being able to land a new job as a cop she has decided to sue for wrongful termination as well as pain and suffering.
But what has changed other than her private area? Is she unable to perform her duties that she has been performing for years? There were not any problems or noted deficiencies prior to the surgery so what is she unable to perform? Hopefully the courts will make the appropriate decision and she can be restored to her old job. It is unclear of how her coworkers feel about the once veteran male cop. It may be a bit awkward returning to a department and taking on a new role but it is one that she is willing to do and should be allowed.
The underlying question and assumption here is based on discrimination and bias. A female is allowed to be an officer if they are born that way. So what is the difference? Because a person is know as one gender or the other does not ban them from the department. As long as they are able to perform their duties as assigned what difference does it make whether or not they have undergone a reconstructive surgery? Would have it made the same difference is she would have kept the surgery quite and not reported it to the department. Is the issue that she wants to change her name and it is not reflected on her birth certificate? When a person undergoes reconstructive surgery it does not change their inner strength or brain, only their private area. They are not less of a person or weaker in any sense. So they should not be treated as such.
The court case should be interesting to follow and the out come could be the beginning of a new political movement. If the case is lost the former officer can move her case to a higher court and possibly even the Supreme Court. This could be the next history lesson in the making.