This amazing site, Perfect Ladyboys was introduced in February 2007 (on 02/21 to be precise) and is now completely dead. The website does not update and in fact they don’t even have a single video or picture of the original Perfect Ladyboys series in the members area. It’s advised to check out any other high quality sites like LB-69, Ladyboy Gold, AsianTS, LadyboyCrush, to name a few), what made Perfect Ladyboys stand out was that they focused purely on hardcore scenes with asian ladyboys. Yes, there are many ladyboy sites out there, but none of them seemes to boast such nasty hardcore anal action. As a result, the site turned out to be smoking hot!
Although there was not so much content available for members by the time of launch, it was so fresh and unique that most of people retained their memberships. The girls on perfect ladyboys are simply stunning. Just a small glance at the free tour gives you an idea what you can expect inside. Megan, Ice, Mia, June, they all are frigging beautiful. Watch their devilishly hot hardcore videos, it’s clear to see these insatiable sluts love to have their she-pussies and mouths stuffed with red hot cocks!
At the moment there are about 10 picture sets and as many movie episodes in member’s area. But be warned that trial members only get limited access to the site and need to convert to full membership in order to access all goodies. Members who stay for more than a month also get acess to other bonus sites (produced by the same company), but who cares about that if asian shemales is your thingie. The updates are weekly and they’re quality, with trannies sucking and taking cocks up asses.
What can i say in conclusion? Perfect Ladyboys is now a dead website. There’s nothing to check out or search for. I would like to take a moment of silence for this beautiful ladyboy site being gone. It’s a loss to all ladyboy lovers out there.

Love those beautiful ladyboys and all that bareback ass fuckin’! Yum!!
Time to jerk ff again…
i would love 2 be that guy whos fuckin her raw i bet feel like silk
she one of the best lookin ladyboy i ever seen im stra8 and i would fuck her brains out and wont stop till i pass out then wake up and do it again and i would be happy 2 take her 2 meet my family and dont care what they say r think come on look at her shes fuck hot click on her pic and tell me u wont do the same
i just cant stop look at her pic she just perfect and the thing i like the most is her feet and the fishnets & heels
most men like stockings of all kinds sheer black seamed fishnet bodystockings latex spandx.and all kinds of heels,the higher the better.also strappy sandels and platform heels.i use what will get the cock hard.lately i have been putting on my black back seamed fishnet full bodysuit with my red 8in strappy platform highheels,and the shortest mini skirt i have.allways brittest red lipstick i is not long after i come into the movie/book store that i have pick of the now hard cocks waiting for is not long before i am on my back with my leggs in the air and a cock in my ass,and one in my mouth.a good gangbang will last for 2 hours or more.taking 10 or more cocks is a good time for me.