Our forum star, Fran, wrote another little story for all of us and, although it doesn’t boast any hardcore action, it’s still very delightful.
In the course of my job some years ago, it often took me into the deep woods. One day I was off in the foothills and thought I would be by myself so I was somewhat in-appropriately dressed. I had chosen on this day I would wear my tan short shorts and a tight white blouse but because it was a hot day I had tied it at the waist so my mid-riff was showing and I had worn my black bra. I was covered but it did show through. Cowboy boots and a baseball cap finished my attire. Come to think of it, I must look pretty weird. I was always afraid of bear, coyotes and moose in the woods so I also carried a 357 handgun.
I was out on a gravel road and pulled my vehicle to the side. I got out and thought I was in quiet surroundings but soon heard a truck gearing up the hill. It is logging country and here comes a big black Mack, loaded heavy with logs. I thought I recognized it and sure enough, the driver recognized me. I had been here many times before and you get to meet people. You don’t think a trucker is going to stop for a hot looking blonde out in the middle of nowhere? Think again!
It was Jake. I had met him many times before. He is an old sweet trucker. Sixty if he is a day. We exchange small talk and then he asked if I wanted to ride into the mill with him.
“Sure”. I had ridden before so I climbed in. We’d be back in an hour.
Down the road we went, big diesel thundering and rolling up the dust.
“Jake, before we get to the main highway, I got to take a whiz.”
“O-kay” he says and pulls to a stop. I jump out and stand right by the corner of the cab and do business. Back into the cab in less time than it takes to play the Minute Waltz.
“Fran”, you can go quicker than any girl I know.
Jake doesn’t know I’m pre-op’ TS and he doesn’t need to know. I lay back in the seat, feet up on the dash. Jake notices but that’s all. He is not interested in messing around. He just enjoys the company.
At the mill we unload soon. Jake me if I want to drive back. I had driven his rig before but he doesn’t let me drive when loaded. That’s fine with me. Off we go. I missed a few gears, Jake laughs, but overall, I’m o-kay. Just on the edge of town again Jake says we ought to go eat.
Ya right! The way I’m dressed? Well, think of Jake not yourself. I pull into the diner yard.
Outside there were some guys hanging around and talking. They noticed me behind the wheel. I opened the door and I could just hear the sleazy talk. I stepped out onto the fuel tank and as I stood behind the door, they could see my bare legs all the way up to my short shorts. Then I stepped down and though I was covered in dust, my bra still shown through my blouse, my tits sticking straight out, my mid-riff showing. I swear I could hear the testosterone boiling! Then I slam the door closed and turned. They spotted my gun still on my hip. They won’t mess with me!
Jake came up behind me.
“Is it going to rain? Did you just hear the thunder roll?”
“Naw, that’s just the sound of falling cocks.”

I was reading this, really getting into it. relaxed, comfortable and my cock getting excited. The writing was very visual for me. Just as I’m about to cream my jeans,,,,BOOM! I’m left cold and empty. Very Funny. I loved the tease.
i love walking in the woods it is so nice and peacefull.and you meet all types of people there.i like to were a spandx mid-riff bearing top no bra sheer shiney panty hose and walking shoes.i also put on spandx shorts to finsh the look.i like the feel of the wind on my nylon covered leggs.there is a place deep in the woods that has a bench and table. i like sitting and watch the people go by. some look some stop to talk and so come to have me suck their cocks.mostly men and some women who like me to suck on their pussy.people will go by stop and watch me suck on someones cock.and some wait their turn to have their cocks sucked.some time a female walker will sit down and suck cock with me.